Sit it out.

12 maart 2024 - Cape St Francis, Zuid-Afrika

When we went to bed last night we took the option of going usptairs. The wind forecasters had predicted a forceful breeze later in the night, but at the time of lying down it was fine.  Somehwere during the night the light house keeper had decided to blow his horn. Usually this is when load shedding starts or finishes, but he apparently thought that there was a mist and this required the light and the horn. 

So there we were awake and  trying to sleep. Later rather than sooner he found the off switch and all was quite for a while. Then the wind came up. Almost like someone had flicked a switch. Boom. Wind! We are now experts in our field and headed down to the bunker to enjoy the rest of the night in a more peaceful setting. After a night like last night it is always pretty nice when the morning sun arises. Up in the morning and off to school. Cup of coffee in the pocket.

Options for the day. Deep discussion as to what our plan would be. Sit out the wind was the answer. Ingrid had her Pilates lesson to go to and I stayed at home to sit out the wind.  When she came home we had a healthy start breakfasst with yoghurt, berries and that local honey. Mmmm.

What to do? What to do? Puzzle and sit out the wind. My mother had indicated that she may make the trip for a few days so it was wise to stay home in case she arrived. Later Ingrid went to the Village to do the grocery shopping and I sat and waited for Mom or news from Mom. She is very good at not answering or checking her texts.

It was my father in laws birthday today so we phoned the man and sang to him. The kids were going over to have lunch there which is something that they have loved to do since and early age. Have lunch at Opa & Oma. No news from them since they got back. We assume that they are back as there has been no communication with them since this morning. No I lie, Bo did message to ask if she could get new wiper blades on the Golf as they do not seem to work efficiently anymore.

At around 4pm we headed off to the beach for our swim. The wind was westerly so no sign of bluebottles this afternoon and the wind had dropped considerably. We walked down the beach a bit to find a better spot to boogie board as the spot at main beach was dumping straight onto the beach and a little further up we could at least catch waves that did not throw us onto the sand. What a joy to catch a few waves with my lady and wash up on the shore together, look at each other and go for one more.

Tonight we grazed out on the deck. Who would have thought after the wind this morning? Mom had phoned to say that she would not make it today. She would let us know when she might wnat to come on over.

Short and sweet today. With our last minute ocean antics we felt like we had made the most of the day. 

3 Reacties

  1. Ellen Bosman:
    12 maart 2024
    🥰 wat n leventje zo!!
  2. Glen & Ingrid Potgieter:
    13 maart 2024
    Nou he, best uit te houden 🤭
  3. Jean:
    13 maart 2024
    So I follow Ingrid's Dad by a year and a day!

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