Road trip - Padstal.

2 april 2024 - Cape St Francis, Zuid-Afrika

Bedtime, but not sleep time for Ingrid. Her eyes were not heavy and she sat in bed reading for quite a while. I am not sure how long quite a while is, but I did fall asleep pretty quickly once more. When she turned off the light to say farewell to the world for the night I woke briefly, but was possibly asleep before she was.

We had a plan for the day as the westerly wind was going to howl across the bay and that is just what it was doing when we opened the curtains bright and early. Spray was being blown off the incoming waves. The size of the waves had also picked up considerably overnight and it was wonderful to watch our Mother Nature at work through the windows as we enjoyed our morning cup or two of coffee.

Yoga has become our tuesday thursday standard as Ingrid goes to Pilates on mon, wed and fri. I am so stiff in my shoulders and teacher tried to work on that a bit this morning. I still have a little crush on my Yoga teacher. I got busy with the newest puzzle and had the edges done and a few other pieces here and there. The trained professional read her book on the arm chair. When it was time to step away from the puzzle, I got dressed and asked Ingrid if she would get ready for our days activities.

From Jackpot to the Village as I was looking for a pair of tracksuit pant (it should be pants, but we like to call them a pant, heeehee). I guess that you might already figure that I like to give certain things names. I call a tracksuit (sweatpants) pant a Shocking (Jogging pant with a slightly different pronounciation). In the VIllage we went to the outlet store that was closed on Easter monday and I unfort\unately do not identify as a girl so we were in and out in 3 seconds. They only stocked ladies clothes.

Off the the surf shop next door and Ingrid showed me a pair of shocking, but I was not feeling it (my gut feeling). I told her that when I felt it I would buy. Up the street to surf shop nr 2 and still I was not feeling it. At surf shop nr 3 we looked at a pair of pant and then Ingrid said, 'How about these?" I felt it and knew we were 100% going to hear ching ching on the till. It was just a matter of which size, medium or large. Both pairs went with me to the changing room and I tried on the medium first. As soon as I pulled them up I opened the curtain for Ingrid to give her opinion.

I announced that the pant felt strange as I walked out of the changing room. A second later I put my hands in the pocket I realised my error, They were on backwards. The shop attendant bent over forwards laughing. Oeps, direct line back into the changing room and 3 seconds later I emerged as if nothing had transpired. Attendant was not quite over his laughing bout. Pant felt a little tight though when I lifted my leg with a bent knee. Back into the changing room for the large. Perfect fit, felt good and Ingrid was in agreement. Time to ching ching. 

Attendant asked if I had a loyalty card. No, but what would that mean for me. I would get a 10% discount. Sign me up said the Dutch part of me. I had to go to the car to fetch my phone to validate the telephone number that I had given and 2 minutes later I had a discounted pair of shocking pant that fitted to a tee. I cannot believe that I had left my shocking back in Dordrecht. 

From there we set off. Road trip! Andrew Y had made a suggestion the other night about going inland to Hankey/Patensie and visiting the Padstal (Farm store) alongside the road. With this wind and no other plans, we steered Dusty in the right direction and enjoyed the trip out to the place. It was  lovely setting over the mountain (via a small mountain pass) and with a lovely well established garden. A table under a large tree which threw shade over our table suited us to the ground. It was a very pretty setting and we were not hampered by the wind in the shelter of where we were. The sun was shining, the sky was blue and the setting was magical. Tuscany, South of France? 

I started with Roosterkoek (a kind or bun/roll made over the coals). Jam and cheese and butter. Yum! We felt that we were in sort of slow motion. Time was not of the essence and we just sat and enjoyed. Once again it was sort of difficult to call it, but we would need to go home at some point. We were both feeling it there. Tranquil, pleasant, easy.

Dusty home please. Hankey is famous for their citrus crop, mostly lemons and after having spoken to Andrew Y's brother the other evening I looked at the orchards and machinery in a different way. I could appreciate the time, effort and skill involved in being a farmer. I wish the Politicians in Holland would stop targeting the farmers and let them get on with their honest work!

We were perhaps home too late for an afternooner. I just lay on the bed and watched our Mother blow the top off the waves. Ingrid read on the couch. She has not touched the puzzle. Maybe too easy for a trained professional? At 17h00 odd/ish I said that I was going to the beach for a swim. Please join me honey. It has not been a wonderful day temperature wise, but Ingrid got changed and off we went. We were both not sure if we would swim, but I know how great we tend to feel afterwards, so I let brain know that it was going to happen. Ingrid commented when we got out of the car that she was not sure that she would swim.

5 minutes later we were up to our shoulders in sea water and I could even body surf a wave or two. The spray coming off the top of the waves was not that pleaseant, so we did not stay in for long. The water temeprature surprised as it was not freezing cold. At Jackpot I was considering putting on my shocking after my shower, but went with my long pyjama pant. 

Ingrid prepared the salad and I cooked a bit of chicken thighs that had been in the fridge for a few days. It was a yummy meal and soon it will be time for a cup of rooibos tea and not soon afterwards we wil retire to our favourite bed.

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