
1 maart 2024 - Cape St Francis, Zuid-Afrika

Another wonderful nights rest in the bunker! What a great feeling to waken refreshed and I would say ready for the day. At least that was Ingrid. In the middle of the night Bo was texting about windscreen wiper fluid. Child! We are in Africa and go to sleep when the sun sets!. Next were the Kabouters using an age old card and they threw the traditional Gout at the big toe. Bastards! Of late my gout attacks have been pretty mild and few and far between, but this one sprang on me and attacked with ferocity. Now I am a trained Gout professional and knew to get out of bed and take the Colchicine immediately. This gave me peace of mind, but not peace. Later on in the the night I awoke to the body saying that that was not enough and I took a second Colchicine, this time in conjunction with Diclofenac. Not more that I can do...

At the late hour of 07h00 we were up and about. Once again, at least Ingrid was. I was up but not that much more than that. I had to let my Yoga teacher know that I could not attend the morning lesson due to my affliction and without blinking an eye she told me that I would need a note from my Mother! LOL! Left over Ciabatta toasted with honey for breakfast. The honey leaks through the holes in the Ciabatta so one has to be careful not to spill on the floor.

Somehow although the Gout was more than irritating, I could resign myself to that fact that it was what it was. I had an online meeting from 10-12am so I guess that that gave me something to look forward to and something to do. Ingrid on the other hand was not tied down by her joints and decided to walk to the village centre and back along the beach. My mind wanted to go with her, but my toe said. "You stay put (with that foot)".

I spent some time on the Internet looking at options for the kitchen sink tap. It takes forever for the hot water to reach the tap. I later timed it and it takes a full minute with the tap wide open before one feels the warm water reach the faucet. At home in Holland we have a Quooker which is in fact a small vat that is constantly warmed to 100 degrees via the electricity. It is relatively easy to install and I think would take less than 30 minutes and then one has 8l of boiling water at ones beck and call. (If the load shedding does not affect the boiler). Not my race and not my pony, but it would be a benefit for the user.

It was not a coincidence that at our Intervention meeting that my topic was to be presented. As stated, last week I signed up with a marketing man for social media marketing for my practice back home. I wished to know what marketing means other chiropractors were using and what worked for them and what did not. We gather in a group of about 5-10 people and discuss a few topic that the participants offer. 

The intervention is a 2 hour thing and thankfully we can do it online. We have to do at least 2 per year. I like to do the Intervention as I always learn something. Most times it is not necessarily learning, but concreting a belief or a making conscious of a belief that one has, but has not made conscious. We have a diverse group and the interaction is always positive even though sometimes the feedback will be negative. Postivie critisism it is called. It is great that even a "negative" can be taken as a positive in order to grow and understand. Maye we could apply that more to our own lives a little more. If someone criticised you, perhaps it is a positive thing. Maybe you feel, No F... you! Make a choice with your gut.

The weather had turned in the night. The wind had all but died and a light mist had enveloped the ocean. This stayed for at least half of the day and the afternoon was again pretty damn awesome. Bide your time. Afer rain comes sunshine is the saying. RIght now for me it was raining, all over my frikking foot! It is quite a funny situation. One would think that rest would be best for the toe, but I have found that if one moves, the symptoms subside some. As chiropactors say, Move, Move, Move!

I sat next to the driver in the car as she drove to the Village for our grocery shop. We like to shop every day and yes it might be more expensive on petrol, the distance is pretty negligable and we have all day. I found that I started off walking to the shop like an old man and used the trolley like a walker, leaning at first heavily on it, but later not so much. Next stop was the pharmacy. Time to stock up on the Colchicine. Here they have the pills in a little box, 6 pills. These are at the counter and one can purchase them without prescription. Often in the past I bought 5-6 packets of them for stock as it is way cheaper than getting them in Holland (On prescription).

Whilst thedriver was in the Pharmacy purchasing my stash she asked about her own migraine pills. Not a co-incidence, the Pharmasits told her that he did not have in stock, but had ordered and they would be in stock again tomorrow. Once again walk in, ask for the pills and pay at the till. No questions asked. Too many rules in Holland and I guess protecting the Doctor who also has to make some money. 

When we got home I stayed in the car and Driver took the groceries inside and changed into her bikini for the traditional boogie board session. I walked with her to the shoreline and played lifeguard guy as she tenderly took her first steps alone into the ocean. Proud dad type of moment. She was not keen on entering the water as there was a lot of red seaweed in the water and she did not like the thought of being amonst the weeds. I said that she did not have to, but advised her to just do it. This she did, once again surprising me. Good one driver!

This time I stood ankle deep in the water to "cool" down the toe and it felt pretty nice. Ingrid caught her few waves and when it was time she decided to stop. We lay on the beach for about 1 minutes before a large cloud covered up that sun and that was our queue to leave for home. It is always a great feeling to get home after a swim in the sea and take that shower. One feels so alive!  Today I acted as if...

Soon it was the grand prix qualifying. TIme to test out if I was able to watch here in South Africa via the free channels. Grand prix is not something that I would stay home for, but today with that toe on fire I guessed I had to sit and watch. Dinner time and now tea time. We do have some quiche left over for tomorrow night.


4 Reacties

  1. Jolien:
    1 maart 2024
    Ow nooo, I know how painfull it is! 😵‍💫
  2. Glen & Ingrid Potgieter:
    2 maart 2024
    Jaaa, vannacht ook weer veel pijn, maar nu in de ochtend lijkt het weer de goede kant op te gaan.
  3. Jean:
    2 maart 2024
    Sorry! Barrie had a bout a couple of weeks ago - he thought the excess acidity was from eating too many grenadillas which have produced well in our garden this year.
  4. Jolien:
    2 maart 2024

Jouw reactie