
23 februari 2024 - Cape St Francis, Zuid-Afrika

Lizzy died! I forgot to tell you, but she died last week. Maybe when we went to my brothers and she died of heart break. Ingrid has placed the poor soul on her night stand. Very sweet. 

Talking of Nature, we were at my brothers place and were deciding where to go for dinner. With our vegetarian in the mix my brother said that all restaurants cater for "Grazers". I thought that pretty funny. One is not a vegan or a vegetarian, but a grazer! Lol. I like the humour. I myself am known to graze, but I do supplement at times....

A new day and a new activity, this time for Ingrid. She had signed up for the Pilates class here. Gentle, Intermediate or Killing classes are the options. She decided on the gentle option which is at 08h30. Intermediate is a step too much I think at this stage. Ease into it and get comfortable with what your body can do and build from there. Perhaps wisdom from my job, but people generally go too far, too fast. Build it up slowly and the activity will be more beneficial in the long run. We tend to make decisions to advance our training or effort far too fast, because we think that we will be judged by others for our "inabilities". Fuck them. This is my body and my life! 

Oeps I got a bit carried away, but self worth is so important. This is what I can do and who I am, deal with it other people. They should look in the mirror and will probably see that they are being "pushed" by what they think people expect from them. Chill and do what you do and that is good enough! Be proud of what you can do, just do not sit on the couch all day.

Off she went to her class. I had thought of dropping her off so that I would have the car if necessary, but we have bikes in the garage and I had no plans to do anything this morning. Funny that I was left at home alone for the first time in 2 weeks. Not a bad thing as I had thought to do some administration. I want to pay my other brother for the use of his house and pay some other bills back home.

Funnily enough I got a call from said brother who lives on the other side of Australia and the world is then a small place. Video call and I felt like I was there with him. No complaint from me this time as his video showed the bounty island feel with palm trees and white sand and oh so blue water. Not wind to kite surf for him and no waves to surf. He leads a lovely life there on the islands, but he did teach me a beautiful lesson one day, way back when.  He was telling a story about where he lives etc and I said to him, "You are so lucky". No luck involved he replied, I just made other choices!  How profound! I have fallen back on that advice a few times since then. It is the choices that we make that determine our lives. I am thankful to him for that advice as Ingrid and I have made choice to come here and "test" when we could quite easliy have said, it is what it is and muddled on back home.

So we are up to about 09h45 and Ingrid waltzed throught he door. No coffee after Pilates, but she thoroughly enjoyed her lesson. Wisseldag! Not directly but after a while the sheets were washed and put on the line to dry. So great not to have to use the tumble dryer to dry anything. Little secret...we have 2 tumble dryers at home to dry the washing. Don't tell!

I helped ever so quickly over the road at my brothers mother in law to carry a paint bucket and give the old man a bit of stick. He was washing his car and if I remember correctly Dusty could do with a once over. Once Ingrid had finished vacuuming and mopping the floor I used the left over water to rinse down most of Dusty. She looks pretty presentable now, but a little later when we went to the shops, I opended the door and in between the door and the inside there still quite a bit of dirt. I will have to soap that down with the doors open. One day. There is apparantly 1 car wash in the village next door, but they will also not get to this on a standard wash. Better to do it myself. I have a little spare time. Heehee

Ongoing story with the case of wine that we ordered more than a week ago. Still no luck with the delivery and once again we left the shop empty handed. A bit of grocery shopping for dinner and firelighters and the ever importante bottle of water. Which reminds me, the tights fit Ingrid well and were comfortable to wear for her Pilates class. 

We had planned in our heads to toast the left over Ciabatta loaf and drown it with Beans in Tomato sauce for lunch, but we faced load shedding when we got home, so it was Ciabatta sandwiches with cheese. Also lekker. After lunch and a lekker cup of coffee it was down time. ZZZ..

Our new sort of ritual Ingrid lay on the couch and I chose the comfort of the bed. On awaking I came down the stairs and she was reading. Coffee and a bit of administration before we hit the beach. The wind was blowing a stiff south easterly, so we were not so keen on going for our daily swim, but I had really been sitting home most of the day and felt the need for a bit of exercise. As a kite surfing friend of mine had once said, "Once you are in your wetsuit all the doubt is removed". Directly tanslated, take a step and the rest of the steps become easy/easier.

I was chatting with a marketing guy online and decided that we could use his services for our office back home. He is in Spain and on vacation and we are here. Technology has it's benefits. Next week we are going to Zoom (chat online) and iron out the creases. Let's do this! 

Our swim was postponed by the admin and when we arrived at the beach we were the only ones there. For most, this is not beach weather, but for us every day is a beach day! Into the water which I thought was the warmest it has been to date. We each had a boogie board this time and caught a few waves. Ingrid was tired from her exertions of the morning, so she did not stay in long. She caught a few waves and that was enough for her.

Home for that lovely shower and we sat on the deck at the front or back of the house, whichever way you see it. It was sunny and enjoyable. I had to have a slow beer. Dinner just now and in 30 minutes we are back on load shedding. Off to bed at 21h00 then!

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