No expectations

12 februari 2024 - Cape St Francis, Zuid-Afrika

If one does not have to high expectations, it is difficult to be disappointed. This is a little something I have tried to teach myself over the last few years, once the penny dropped. Oftentimes we are planning something, or going somewhere, or going to do something and the expectation in our head does not equate with the reality of the experience. Not quite the same, but a nice Dutch equivalent of this is, "Nee heb je, ja kan jij krijgen". - Literally translated you already have a No, and a Yes is possible. So nicely put if you set out thinking it could be shit, if it is shit then your expectation is met, BUT if if is anything slightly less than that, it is rememebered as a positive experience.

Yesterday we had to shift our plans due to weather, with little expectation this shift did not cause us any stress. Today we had planned a walk from Granny's Pool to the Port at St. Francis Bay, the Two Harbour Walk. In my mind this was going to be a lovely walk along the coast from Harbour to Harbour. Approximately 3-5km one way. It was a walk along the coast, quite often over rocks and pebbles and also over muddy regions where the ground water was leaking out of the hillside. It just wasn't pleasant to walk, although the weather was doing it's best. So there you go. Expectations versus reality.

I was at first pretty bumbed that it was "not what we ordered", but then the idea of making expectations came to mind. Secondly my daughter Bo has taught us the words, "It is okay". This is used in situations where we think that we are stressed or stressed out about something. Pull these 3 words out and accept that this is what it is and that is okay! I would think that there would be instances where things are not okay, but I guess you will either be seriously injured or seriously ill. (Both of these make my heart sad for those in these situations). Moving on...So it was okay and irritation was replaced with a few positives. The weather is good and a good cup of coffee was waiting for us when we were done.

From there we set off down the hill to the village for the compulsory grocery shopping. We like to plan our meal on a day to day basis, so that means a daily trip to the supermaket. Back at home we consumed our yoghurt and fruit and nut breakfast and our regular lemon juice drink. Into the costumes and down to Kingys (Newly named by us) beach in front of the house for our morning swim. We have found a nice shoulder deep gully where it is safe to swim when the tide is pushing in, If one gets into a little trouble one can easily swim sideways and safely get to shallower water. As Ingrid says the "sea" here is not like the sea in Holland. Seeing is believing! Anybody want to come and visit? We have space.

When one wakes at 05h30 with the biological clock, one has had a full day by the time that it is 10h30! Let me not forget the word Yoga. Oeps. Yesterday I started my Yoga journey with Ingrid. She is pretty damn good at it and would be a very good teacher. Today was lesson 2, Getting loose in the hips. I don't know, but this is going to be a journey for me. Everything seems to work, but the suppleness is lacking. Stiff from my belly button to mid thigh I am. I won't allow myself to say that I am enjoying it, but I do see that in the future once I loosten up a bit more, I might actually enjoy it. No expectations.

It is funny that when we are just the two of us, the amount of cleaning that needs to be done is actually pretty minimal. Everything is in it's place and the dishwasher talks to us, "Really? Is that all you have got?". We share tasks. I get the vacuum cleaner out of the shed and put it back, and Ingrid vacuums the place. From start to finish, probably a 15 minutes job for the whole house including the fetching and putting away. Spit spot hey Mary Poppins?

A routine is starting to emerge and after a bit of lazing about the 05h30 hammer man visited. Time for a little afternooner. Ingrid likes to go upstairs and watch a bit of her series before nodding off and I go downstairs for 1,2,3, sleep! Upon waking we enjoy a mint tea with ginger, or Rooibos tea with ginger. What's the plan?

I wanted to body surf a bit and Ingrid wanted to walk. Compromise was for me to drive to Main beach and do my thing and she would walk from Jackpot along the beach to Main beach. What a pleasure it was to be in and under the water and let our Mother Nature push and pull and beat up against your body in the full knowledge that this was doable (looks funny to me, but it is a word). Thinking about it now, tomorrow moring 04h00 we have been together for 24/7 for a whole week. This was the 1st time that we were apart. Not to be take too literally, as we do not shower together in general. 

To me the ocean is home. I bet that some might say the woods or the mountains, but the ocean is home to me. Being in it, on it, under it brings me peace.

So now it is blog time.  Glass of wine (okay 2 by now) and in a moment I will start the braai. "Liefie, haal die tjops uit die yskas. Ons gaan nou braai". Makes me laugh. I am off to start the fire! 

2 Reacties

  1. Marieke:
    13 februari 2024
    Very nice bubble you are in 😉
  2. Jean:
    13 februari 2024
    Sounds idyllic! Lovely place to relax. I'm so glad to be able to read your blog.

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