
16 maart 2024 - Cape St Francis, Zuid-Afrika

So yesterday evening Mom packed up and left with the dog and bird. She arrived home safely and this morning doggy was still breathing. Mom was going to keep an eye on doggy today. End of the day doggy seemed to be back to normal. I made joke with my Mom that the dog had been hoping for the jab, but seeing as though Mom had not yet made the appointment she tried to take matters into her own hands. First with the jump off the deck and when that did not work the next day having a fit. Luckily I can joke with my Mom about these kind of things.

The morning was once again sun lit and blue skied. The wind was moderate to strong and from the west, but it was a beautiful day. After completing yet another puzzle Ingrid and I set off in Dusty to go have a coffee and do the groceries. We went to Grannyś pool and had a lovely coffee on the beachfront which was sheltered from the wind. How divine! Ingrid commented that she could have stayed there all morning. I would have joined her.

We were sitting having our coffee and an aquaintance pulled up and we had a little chat about surfski matters and Ingrid got to meet Peter and could now put a name to face. His wife owns (well they both own) the newly opened coffee shop in the Village. While we were there I listened in on a conversation that was taking place right next to us and got to answer a few questions about rumours that I had heard and the current situation. Funny how when you hear things third hand how the story can get twisted a little to suit the story teller. Now I know the story proper.

We set off for the grocery shop and once in the shop realised that we had everything that we needed for dinner, so shopping was not necessary. We were having guests ( the in law in laws) over for some snacks and a drink, so bought a few things to snack on. That was a short trip to the store.

When we arrive we have to walk past a surf shop with some seriously tempting goodies in it. We were in there yeasterday to price a leash and Ingrid took to the racks and found a specail with three plain T-shirts in different colours. She ended up not buying them, but somehow the universe planted a seed in my mind. When we walked past the shop I suddenly thought, Hey those t-shirts would go perfectly with the new linen dungaree thingy she bought the other day. Ingrid already knew this (Blush), but had not made the purchase. Maybe tomorrow we may or may ot make a detour into the shop...

Back at home Ingrid rested on the couch and I went ZZZ. Upon waking I was a little confused for a second. When I had gong to sleep the sky was blue. When I awoke it was grey and drizzling. No one will ever hear me complaining of rain on a "tin roof", but I was surprised although the weather men (persons) had predicted rain this evening. There you go, a continuous light drizzle. 

At about the usual time 15h30 Ingrid and I went to the beach for a swim. When I grabbed my towel and said to her get ready, she gave me the "are you crazy look"? No, I am serious  

Seriously? Yes, I am serious. Remember the other day when we got out of the water how good that felt. Yes. Well then put on your cozzie. 5 minutes later we were on the beach and in the water. The sea was relatively calm and it was a joy. As expected we were the only crazy people on the beach. One does not have to spend hours in the water to get that rejuvenated feeling and so it was, fresh and rejuvenated!

After a quick shower we sat and waited for the snack attack and promptly on time the in laws in laws arrived. Snacks and a beer and good conversation.  A good time was had by all. 

Now to dinner. The vegetable variety pack that we had bought at the supermarket yesterday. Usually if they say 30 minutes on the packaging, do 45 minutes. After more than an hour half of the things were cooked well and the other half was still hard. Plan B. Toasted sandwiches were served within 5 minutes. Rule number next: avoid the mixed veggie packets!

So there you have it. Integrating into the community slowly, very slowly, but that is okay with us.

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